8 success factors — 1 team

Hier erfährst Du, was jeder Leistungsbereich für uns als Unternehmen bedeutet und wie diese unser tägliches Arbeiten beeinflussen. Der Fokus und die vielfältige Kombination unserer Kompetenzen ermöglichen die tägliche Innovation sowie das Wachstum von uns als SSW.

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financial instruments

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kleines Get Together im Meetingraum
Arbeitsalltag unserer Trader: Monitoren der Algorithmen und Handelstätigkeiten

Visionaries with a pioneering spirit

Our focus is on the fully automated provision of liquidity. We have been using algorithms developed in-house to reach decisions on the sale and purchase of financial instruments since 2004: first in Germany, then in Europe, and now all over the world.

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Seal for research and development. Awarded in 2023 for our innovative strength in the field of artificial intelligence by the BSFZ.

Excellent research and development from SSW-Trading GmbH

Excellent research and development from SSW-Trading GmbH The innovation performance of SSW-Trading has received the BSFZ seal of approval. In the field of artificial intelligence as well as computer and information sciences, our research and development projects for gaining new and systematic knowledge are thus supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. We are not only operating at a very high level in the field of innovation and performance management, but are also proving once again that we are constantly advancing this management. As a result, we are gaining new insights that have a significant impact on us and on Germany as a business location. A factor we are very proud of as a team. A factor we are very proud of as a team.

Learn more about our innovative power