reading length 5 min
The children’s aid organisation in Mali
Since 1982, the children’s charity Eine Welt e.V. has opened 15 health centres in Mali. They provide reliable care for mothers and children in inaccessible regions of the country. These facilities include a maternity ward, a health centre and a vaccination clinic. They also serve as counselling centres for antenatal and postnatal care, child-friendly nutrition, family planning, sex education and information on genital mutilation. Donations in kind are distributed directly to their health centres by their local staff. They also support the U.M.AV. Institute for the Blind and the CRHP Centre for the Disabled in Bamako, Mali.

This is how SSW helps
Equal opportunities do not start at school age. The foundations are laid before, during and after birth. External help is sometimes essential to ensure that these foundations are secure. That is why we have decided to donate €50,000 to this children’s charity project this year. In this way, we want to enable the local people to help themselves, without sacrificing the greatest possible local added value.
The project: Construction of a health centre
The project includes the construction of a health centre, a solar power system and the rehabilitation of a well. In addition to the health centre, our project partners and we hope to provide the local community with access to safe drinking water and a reliable electricity supply.
The health centre will include an office for the nursing staff, two treatment rooms for adults and two for children, a delivery room, a waiting room, three latrines, a pharmacy and a store. The aim is to provide more sustainable and faster health care for the community of Farakala.

Project target group
The target population of the project is 16,295 people living in the municipality. This includes approximately 4,070 children under the age of 18. The health centre will treat approximately 1,000 patients per month.
The aim is to provide faster, safer and more sustainable healthcare, particularly for malnourished children and pregnant women.
Update from 10 October 2018
The health care centre
In early September, a local construction company began building the health centre. The materials were procured and the bricks made in advance.
Earthworks were started first, followed by backfilling and the construction of the foundations. The outer walls have also been completed.
Completion is planned for the end of 2018.

Renovation of the well
The drilling company has already successfully completed a preliminary study for the well. They are now waiting for the end of the rainy season before construction can begin. Mali has experienced extreme rainfall and flooding in recent years, which has further delayed construction.
This is what the children’s charity Eine Welt e.V. stands for.
“Since our foundation in 1975, it has been very important to us to provide long-term help for self-help that is sustainable for the people concerned. For example, we build schools and health centres in remote areas where, without our support, many families would be forced to migrate. Where possible, we also provide reliable electricity.
We also place great emphasis on maximising local value creation to strengthen the economy. For example, school desks are made by local carpenters.
We only use foreign products when there is no other choice.
Thanks to our long-standing relationships with trusted local contacts, we can ensure that donations are used efficiently, transparently and quickly. Our local contacts have a lot of experience and are very familiar with the needs and customs in the project countries.
photo credits (f. a.): Annie Spratt / Unsplash; Alex Radelich / Unsplash; KHW
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