reading length 3 min

What is the DNZ?
– Dr. Astrid Hintze
The Centre for Digitalisation and Sustainability (DNZ) is a cooperative initiative initiated by Wir für Bad Oldesloe e. V. and supported by the City of Bad Oldesloe and Volksbank Stormarn.
Digitalisation and sustainability are key challenges for companies, the public sector and society. A cooperative initiative can and should actively shape the future and make concrete contributions.
The idea
The development of a Digitalisation and Sustainability Centre (DNZ) in Bad Oldesloe to promote the qualification of children and young people in the use of digital technologies as well as adults with corresponding needs, to create space for cooperation on innovative topics and concrete projects, to jointly develop relevant added value for Bad Oldesloe, to make our town fit for the future and to become a good example for shaping the digital and ecological transformation in rural areas.
The aim is to create a centre where people can meet, acquire digital skills together, work together, create and live the future.
Now and in the future – how SSW supports the DNZ
This is what SSW Managing Directors Jonas & Reto say:
“The SSW Group is delighted to be able to support the DNZ not only with donations in kind, but also with expertise and know-how. We look forward to a successful collaboration to develop not only the potential of individuals, but also the region itself, where we have been based for over 15 years”.
“The DNZ simply addresses the issues that move and concern every employer: Digitalisation, sustainability, equal opportunities and regionality. SSW didn’t hesitate for a second to be the first partner to fully support this project”.

v. l.: Jonas Höflich (Geschäftsführer SSW Holding GmbH), Dr. Reto Gregory-Petersen (Geschäftsführer SSW Holding GmbH), Dr. Astrid Hintze (Vorständin TIBO)
The opening of the DNZ
We have also made progress with digitalisation and were able to sustainably pool our resources and close one of our locations in the spring of 2022. This allowed us to support Astrid in equipping the co-working space in Bad Oldesloe with donations in kind. In addition, our donation of €12,000 made the opening on 6 April 2023 possible.
We look forward to many inspiring projects and an exciting future!

v. l.: Dr. Reto Gregory-Petersen (Geschäftsführer SSW Holding GmbH, Dr. Astrid Hintze, Vorständin TIBO)
photo credits (f. a.): DNZ; SSW
People involved
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