reading length 4 min

Why we help

The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian aggressor has also affected us. We employ people who came to Germany from Ukraine or Russia years ago, some of whose families are directly affected and involved. It was clear to us that we wanted to provide emergency aid in Ukraine.

Cohesion at SSW is one of our strengths and solidarity is a duty for us rather than an optional extra! We want to do more and are therefore supporting the children’s charity Eine Welt e.V. in its Ukraine projects with a donation of €50,000. This may be a small drop in the ocean given the ongoing difficulties, but doing nothing is not an option for us!

How we help

With the help of its local project partners, KHW has identified three projects where our money will help people to help themselves and provide them with sustainable support. A key focus is also on maximising local value creation to strengthen the local economy.

Die Flagge der Ukraine.
Die Familienbäckerei im Betrieb.
Brot wird an die Bevölkerung verteilt.
Brot, bereit zum Verkauf.

Project I: Family bakery in Bilyj Kamin

The project enables people in the IDP community in Bilyj Kamin to open a family bakery. The community consists of around 85 IDPs, some of whom are traumatised by the war. It is supported by the V. Sviderky Foundation and the local Greek Catholic parish. As well as providing bread, the bakery gives the local people something to do, which can have a positive effect on their mental health. In line with the principle of ‘helping people to help themselves’, the bakery helps to make the charity less dependent on donations.

Update from 30 August 2023

The Family Bakery project was successfully launched at the premises of the local baker, Mrs V., with a baking training course for bread bakers. The 600 pasaks baked for the Easter holidays were then distributed to IDPs and people in occupied areas. Since then, Mrs V. and four refugee women have been baking bread twice a week to feed the local refugees. They sell the remaining bread at a market once a week.

Update from 05 December 2023

The first successes of the self-help programme are also visible: the sale of bread during services in three other churches is financing additional baking ingredients and closing the cycle.

In addition, the helpers have already been able to start basic repairs in a small shop. The shop will also be used to sell baked goods in the future. New windows and doors have been installed and new equipment such as a coffee and tea maker have been purchased. The repairs are due to be completed by March 2024 and the shop will be able to sell pastries, bread, coffee and tea.

Project II: Youth center in Dnistryk

In Dnistryk, in western Ukraine, young people have set up a small youth centre in an abandoned cultural centre. There they can meet, talk and do creative or sports activities. The project will renovate the centre’s dilapidated building and provide games and sports equipment. The aim of the project is to provide young people with a safe space for social interaction and leisure activities.

Update from 30 August 2023

The first step was to demolish the dilapidated parts of the building. The roof has been renovated and insulated, and the first second-hand exercise equipment has been purchased for the gym. The new parquet flooring is due to be laid soon and the first materials have been purchased.

Update from 05 December 2023

Various construction works were carried out to extend the youth centre, with the purchase of materials such as cement, gravel, sand, façade fabric, fireproof plasterboard, etc. The next step will be to extend the facades. The next steps will be the extension of the facades, the construction and installation of a wood-burning stove, the construction of stairs to the second floor and the construction of an entrance door and hall.

Der Dachstuhl des Jugendzentrums wurde komplett erneuert.
Das Dach des Jugendzentrums wird isoliert.

Project III: Emergency aid – purchase of food

A food truck was set up to provide rapid emergency aid: it left Münster on 23 June with 22 pallets of food, 10 pallets of medical supplies and clothing for Malyn, a town near Kiev. A sonography machine was also sent to be used in a clinic set up by the seminary in Lviv. The van reached its destination on 28 June and the goods were distributed by local volunteers.

Freiwillige helfen beim Entladen
Freilwillige helfen beim Entladen
Die Spenden werden an die Bevölkerung verteilt

More about the projects

photo credits (f. a.): Brandon Morales / Unsplash; KHW

People involved

Reto Gregory Petersen

Managing Director - SSW Group

Andreas Groß

Talent & Performance Management - SSW Holding GmbH

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